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PAWS fundraiser (August, 2018)
We continued our PAWS fundraiser event with an ice cream stand into August as well in order to raise more money for PAWS. I took on the initiative this month to recruit my friends to help out with this event. I delegated different tasks to each of my friends and they were all super helpful. My friend Diya helped us market this fundraiser by sending emails to people in her neighborhood where we were planning to set up the ice cream stand. My other friends Jocelyn, Anjana, Anusha, Hamsa and Harini joined us.
We planned to have this event during the end of August, but due to bad weather we had to postpone it to the following labor day weekend. We were skeptical if people would show up on a long weekend, but luckily it turned out to be a beautiful day and we had a decent turn out. Diya's dog Maggie was our Mascot that evening.
On the day of the event, we reused posters that Ria had made during the last event. Jocelyn and I, got all the supplies and materials ready and drove it to to my friend's neighborhood with Nitya, Ria, and my mom. Anjana met up with us at the neighborhood park where we planned to set up. We propped up the table and decorated it with posters, table cloth, donation jars, and ice cream. We had the same two flavors as last time: mango with cardamom and rose ice cream. Hamsa, Harini, Anusha and Diya joined us a little later and recruited people in the neighborhood to try out the ice cream. People enjoyed the home made ice cream on a hot, summer day! We all enjoyed some left over ice cream.
We stayed at the park for about 2 hours and met our goal to raise more than $1000 for PAWS in total. I am so grateful for all of my supportive friends! I could not have done it without you all, THANKS!

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